Hamsinah Tahir


The problems in this study are: 1) How much is the income of garment traders in Wameo Market, Wameo Village, Batu Poaro District, Baubau City in 2018; 2) what factors influence the income of clothe traders in Wameo Market, Wameo Village, Batu Poaro District, Baubau City. The objectives of this study are: 1) to find out the income of clothes traders in Wameo Market, Wameo Village, Batu Poaro District, Baubau City; 2) to find out what factors influence the income of clothes traders in Wameo Market, Wameo Village, Batu Poaro District, Baubau City. This study uses a survey method using a quantitative analysis approach. The population in this study is traders who sold clothing at Wameo Market, Wameo Village, Batu Poaro District, Baubau City, amounting to 185. The samples in this study were 45 clothing merchants. The instruments used in this study were observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study showed that: 1) the income of clothes traders in
Wameo Market, Wameo Village, Batu Poaro District, Baubau City, from 45 clothing traders had an average net income of Rp. 12.164.444 / month or Rp. 145.573.328 / year; 2) the factors that influence the income of clothing merchants in Wameo Market, Wameo Sub village, Batu Poaro district, Baubau city, are the number of buyers who are uncertain or tend to be as crowded on certain days and also the price of clothes increases.

Keywords: Garment Traders, Market, City of Baubau.

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