La Sariade, Harubali Harubali


Problem statement of the research were: 1) how the influence of product quality toward buying interest of woven fabric is; 2) how the influence of cost toward buying interest of woven fabric is; 3) how the influence of product quality and cost toward buying interest of woven fabric is; 4) how the correlation between the influence of product quality toward buying interest of woven fabric is; 5) how the correlation of the influence of cost toward buying interest of woven fabric is; 6) how the correlation of the influence of product quality and cost toward buying interest of woven fabric is. The objectives of the research were: 1) to find out the influence of product quality toward buying interest of woven fabric; 2) to find out the influence of cost toward buying interest of woven fabric; 3) to find out the influence of product quality and cost toward buying interest of woven fabric; 4) to find out the correlation between the influence of product quality toward buying interest of woven fabric; 5) to find out the correlation of the influence of cost toward buying interest of woven fabric; 6) to find out the correlation of the influence of product quality and cost toward buying interest of woven fabric. The research was a quantitative research using correlation method Population of the
research were 25 consumers of Butonese woven fabric, they were sample of the research all at once. Instrument of the research were observation, questionnaire and documentation. Research outcomes were: 1) based on multiple linear regression analysis, it obtained
the following equation namely Y = 21.508 + 0, 029X1 + 0, 052X2, so there were positive influence of product quality and cost toward buying interest of Butonese woven fabric in Sulaa village with the result of significant test of multiple linear regression equations which could be
seen from the score of F = 1.812 and significant score of 0.187; 2) based on the correlation analysis, it obtained the correlation value between the variables of product quality and cost with interest in buying Butonese woven fabric in Sulaa village (R) that it was 0.376. While, the score of R square was 0, 141 with a significant value of 0.187. Because the score of R square was 0.141 ≥ 0,01 with significant score of0.187 al a significance level (a) of 0.01, so, the correlation between the variables of product quality and cost of interest in buying Butonese woven fabric in Sulaa village was significant.

Keyword: Product Quality, Cost Toward, Buying Interest of Butonese Woven Fabric

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