La Raufun, Rasyid Liwang, Ratu Siska Dewi


The Food Security Office of Baubau City has the task of carrying out government affairs in the field of food security, through technical policies and fostering the implementation of activities to support food security. The problem that occurs at the Baubau City Food Security Service is the lack of publication of information on food price predictions to the public and elements of government leadership. This is due to the absence of an information system that covers the publication of food price predictions in the City of Baubau. This study aims to create and design a web-based food price prediction system at the Baubau City Food Security Service which is able to record food price fluctuations throughout the year from various food commodities. The method used in calculating food price predictions is the Least Square method. This research produces a food price prediction information system that can be used as a reference for policymakers to find out the prices of staple foods in traditional markets in the city of Baubau and to carry out market operations if a staple commodity has an unnatural increase, so that price increases can be anticipated.


Price, Food, Prediction, Website

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Editorial Address :

Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dayanu Ikhsanuddin Jl. Dayanu Ikhsanuddin no.124 Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara 

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