Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Buton School is a government agency engaged in education that is appointed to the general public as one of the high schools in Buton district. Student and teacher data management in MTsN 1 Buton is less efficient still using manual methods where student and teacher data is still written into a ledger so data collection is inaccurate and there is a possibility of data damage or data loss. The purpose of this study was to create a teacher and student data collection system on web-based Buts 1 MTsN to assist the school in processing information related to student and teacher data. Data collection methods used were observation and interviews with the Principal of MTsN 1 Buton and the administration section at the school. The results showed that with this research it can help the performance of the MTsN 1 Buton school and can produce data of students and teachers including data on student and teacher identity, teacher subjects, homeroom teachers, class schedules, class input, managing student grades and making teacher and student data reports efficiently and accurately.
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